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Investor relations

What is Investor Relation?

Investor relations are a two-way communication bridge between the company and the financial market. Its existence allows the investment community to make wise judgments on the fair value of the company's stocks and securities. IR (Investor Relations) is different from PR (Public Relations). Public relations are usually part of a company’s marketing plan. Investors and actual investors provide information so that they can have a fair understanding of the company's strategy and business. From this perspective, investor relations need to present a relatively fair and accurate view of the company, and public relations often need to have a more positive impact on the company's business and activities. However, investor relations not only need to unilaterally output the company’s information to the outside world, but also need to feed back the situation of investors and the market to the company’s internal executives, so as to set up performance mechanisms, organizational strategies, quality governance and internal management for the company’s executives. Provide effective information. From this perspective, the function of investor relations is a very important existence for the company.

Investor relations